February 05, 2024
The Supported Transition and Education Program with Bayside Christian College

The Supported Transition and Education Program (STEP) is designed to serve secondary level students who are having difficulty accessing the curriculum effectively in mainstream classrooms.
The Bayside Difference:
Bayside Christian College’s Vision and Mission is to partner with Christian parents in the nurture and preparation of young people for a life of responsive discipleship. At our core, we believe that each child is fearfully and wonderfully made and gifted in many ways. Therefore, it is our desire to serve all the children that we can, including those with learning challenges.
What is STEP?
The program provides a personalised learning program for students. For core subjects where the student has difficulty learning in the mainstream classroom, they take part in a comparable STEP subject tailored to their needs. For example, a student with severe difficulties with reading, writing, and maths may take part in STEP Literacy, STEP Maths, STEP Science, and STEP Humanities as an alternative to the standard core subjects for their year level. Some students in STEP may have the capacity to participate in some of the standard subjects available for their year level. The extent to which a student participates in STEP subjects as an alternative to mainstream classroom subjects is determined through consultation between the STEP teacher, the student and their parents. Each student in the program is part of a general homeroom. They participate in subjects such as PE, Health and Wellbeing, and Biblical Studies with their general class as well as elective subjects such as Agriculture, Food Technology, Performing Arts, Music, Outdoor and Environmental Studies, and Art. Students receive reports on these subjects as STEP students. The aim is to provide students in STEP with the individual attention they need to support their academic growth, and yet balance this with the opportunity for maximised social interaction with peers in the general classroom.
Will you consult with my child’s external support team?
Your child may have a support team outside of school that includes professionals such as psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists. These professionals can provide a wealth of insight into your child’s strengths and needs. We will endeavour to use recommendations from these professionals in developing support plans for your child. You are welcome to invite these professionals to participate in student support group meetings for your child.
How big is the STEP class?
The class size will generally be around 5-8 students. The small class size is designed to maximise the amount of attention and support available to students.
What are the eligibility criteria?
- The student is chronologically in Years 7-9 in 2024 (expanding to Years 7-10 in 2025).
- The student is academically working three or more years below their expected year level as indicated through previous school reports and/or specialised testing such as from an educational psychologist.
How to Apply:
- Contact the College Registrar on (03) 5971 6700 to indicate your interest in applying for the program. Further information can be found on the College website at www.baysidecc.vic.edu.ay/STEP.
- Attend a tour and meeting with the STEP Teacher. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and talk with the STEP Teacher to check if the program will benefit your child.
- Submit an application of enrolment to the College including supporting documentation that provides insight into your child such as reports from educational psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, or physiotherapists. Previous school reports and Individual Learning Plans will also be required.
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